Monday, April 12, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy

1. My cat sleeping with me
2. the counselor shows
3. fuzzy blankets
4.  hot chocolate
5. laughing until i cry
6. times square
7. the feel of the sand on crystal lake beach
8. digging holes on the beach
9. making memories
10. being complimented
11. being held
12. seeing friends from camp
13. realizing that i can make a difference
14. realizing my true potential
15. proving people wrong
16. sleeping in footsies
17. having people laugh along with me when i act stupid
18. snickerdoodles
19. seeing babies laugh
20. baby animals
21. helping others
22. making fuzzy blanket forts
23. ugly dolls
24. having strangers respond when i yell hp spells at them
25. nail polish
26. getting comments on my nails
27. growing gummy bears
28. when the clouds part and the sun comes out
29. puppies wagging their tails in my face
30. discovering the tunes camp songs are based off of
31. winning games of ghost against my dad
32. playing baby bird with my mom
33. massages
34. finishing a good book
35. seeing fish in creeks
36. meeting new friends
37. never running out of things to talk about
38. heart to heart convos
39. prewrap
40. really hot soup
41. lists
42. discovering the difference between need & want
43. my dad's greeting when i walk through the door
44. improv everywhere
45. novelty items
46. stores like m&m world

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